Lending Solutions for Mortgage Lenders (BANK, NON-BANK)

Mortgage Lenders
Fraud Prevention

Mortgage lenders fraud prevention solutions to protect lending institutions from risk to the third-party closing, title and settlement entities. This protection covers lending instutions during the wiring of funds and relies upon proper title services as part of the mortgage settlement process. Lenders can meet regulatory oversight requirements, vendor management and compliance, Wire & Title Fraud prevention, closing department and operations efficiency and cost reduction. Wire verification services that confirm wire recipients in seconds.

Loan Level Wire Fraud Solutions

We provide loan-level solutions to certify that:

  • You are working with authorized parties
  • Accurate and enforceable closing/settlement documentation is provided
  • All settlement funds are received by the bank of the actual licensed party
  • Funding requests from settlement parties are to valid, authorized, and licensed accounts

Funding requests that incorporate transaction level closing agent validation and insurance backing and / or wire recipient validation.

We validate and run compliance checks on closing parties at the transaction level for mortgage lenders fraud prevention.

Streamline your funding requests with your warehouse lenders with our certifications